5 Steps to the Perfect Cover Letter

I review right around 100-120 resumes every day. No its not fun but it pays the bills. Now most of those resumes are missing one of the most important documents you can present to a potential employer...

You guessed it! The cover letter.

Out of the few resumes that stand a chance, since they actually included a cover letter, I easily discard 60% of them for being improperly formatted.

What I would like to cover today is how to easily format and write a resume that will land you any job!

So lets get started!

Step 1:

Start the cover letter off with your full name, address, phone, and email. You want to center this on the page and put your name in bold letters.

Step 2:

Align to the left. Input current date. Then you want to start it off with, To Whom it May Concern, now if you really want to score some easy points here you will call the potential employer and speak to the HR department to see who you can address this to: )

Step 3: The BODY

Over the next 2 paragraphs (2-3) you want to set yourself apart from your peers. Don't put in the usual junk about where you've worked and how great you were there etc. We see that all day long besides that's what your resume is for. You want to STAND out! Be creative but also show them what your experience at other companies has taught you and why that will be beneficial for them to hire you.

Step 4: Closing Statement

In the closing statement you want to ask for the interview. One that I use myself is this: I would like to set up an appointment to discuss further job possibilities within your industry. I am a very hard worker, and am always looking for areas that I could best use to further my career. I am extremely interested and would look forward to meeting with you in the near future.


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